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The Call that melts your heart…….


Waiting with a happy heart for a family to call, to share that it is time to come sit beside them. Having known this family since there very first pregnancy, several babies ago, we have become friends of the heart. Sharing in the joys and millstones of each other’s lives. Such a privilege to witness the evolution and empowerment progress as families take in information and finding what works for their lives, then seeing the transformation in their health, lifestyle and sense of wellbeing. Learning about the sacred childbirth year through lived experiences and expanding this wisdom into how they live their lives.

The call awakens me with a start, from a deep sleep. It feels like I have been resting for hours, glancing and it is 9:30 pm, my body really responded to those 15 minutes of sleep and feels vibrant. Yes it is the call I have longed for and we begin the hour’s drive into the night. Hello moon, hello stars, thank-you for celebrating with us on this night. A bit over half way into our journey we get a call and Emily shares out loud, ‘the baby is here’. My heart melts with bliss-filled joy and images flood in of this beautiful couple welcoming there sweet baby, in love, with each other; so sacred, so holy.

We enter the home to find smiles that radiate from the soul. Everyone cozy in their nest already, baby to breast. The next few hours we quietly and gently cook and clean, help mom bath, teach mom and dad how to check on there own baby’s wellbeing, We laugh at the very conversation we had the day before- what to do if the baby arrives before the midwives It’s not an emergency, if things are unfolding this quickly it means that baby was lined up beautifully and mom’s body was ripe. Little did we know we were planting seeds that would manifest so soon This year has been the year of a few such arrivals. At first I was feeling concerned about this, wondering what was happening and how to shift this. Now I understand that when this occurs, it is with well experienced parents who are feeling very ready and prepared, relaxed in there own homes and truly taking leadership in there health and wellbeing. It is reason to celebrate.

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