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Do you know that it takes a community to support the birth a baby?

THANK-YOU to my own babies who brought me the sacred understanding of this journey.

THANK-YOU to all the communities’ members who have special roles, known or unknown, in support of little ones entering the world.

THANK-YOU to beloveds and friends who come to love and support S, as his ‘ShoSho’, slips away to support a family and fresh baby.

THANK-YOU to the sheriffs departments, in three states, for helping us get accurate information regarding our travel options during storms and calling us to check in during our driving time.

THANK-YOU, to the Department of Transportation departments in 3 states for clearing our roads during the raging blizzard and/or ice storms; brave souls you are.

THANK-YOU, to the generous souls who pull us out of the ditch, plow long driveways and making sure we have safe passage up the steep hills, all to help us get us there.

THANK-YOU, for the local morning radio program, bringing the comfort of home along, as we traveled far from it.

THANK-YOU, to our beautiful regional Food Coop’s, who prepare nourishing foods for us, when we are too tired to nourish ourselves from our own kitchen.

THANK-YOU, to our loving families and friends who nourish our hearts and energize our spirits; understanding and supportive of our need to leave in a moment of a deep conversation, embrace, anticipated special moment or mundane chore. Your love and connection is beyond what I can express or offer you in words.

THANK-YOU to friends who have offered me there AWD vehicles during some storms.

THANK-YOU, to the beautiful, supportive and loving birth companions, who shared their special love, kindness, compassion and support with these sweet families. Saying yes to coming and serving in often weather unpredictable conditions.

THANK-YOU, to sister midwives who take calls day or night!!!

THANK-YOU, to Facebook Friends for all of the love and support you offer us. You nourish our hearts.

THANK-YOU, to neighbors and community, who shovel your walks, jump start your car, offer you their car when yours won’t start,. This sharing of kindness, actions, words and smiles creates a sense of interdependence and interconnectedness that enriches us all.

THANK-YOU to all those, who in my currently foggy, sleep deprived mind, know I am missing acknowledging and will feel terrible later to have not mentioned.

Thank-you to divine timing in letting each of these recent little ones arrive on their own hour, that did not overlap with someone else's birthday hour.

THANK-YOU, loving families who invited us into the warmth of your home and hearts to share in this sacred family experience.


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