I love, love, love that mama’s and babies keep on offering beautiful lessons about expanded possibilities for norm.
A wonderful couple asked me to serve as their midwife. During our first conversation I learned that dad had received the last three of there seven babies and that a sister midwife, who lives closer than I did, had not made it. Labor is sometimes that efficient. We smiled with each other knowing that it might just unfold this way again.
Six nights ago I received ‘the call ‘ and came as quickly as I could. I called enroute and labor was continuing to progress. Forty minutes after arrival mama felt her body begin to push, we saw all the beautiful visual signs that told me mom would be meeting her sweet one in moments. Then do you know what happened? Labor stopped, not one more contraction. Sometimes mama’s benefit from a yummy nap at this point, wake up and have there baby with this renewed energy. So we waited and mama rested. After sometime mom shared that the pressure was gone and that we should head home. Smiling I knew she was right and that I had just experienced the nudging of those beautiful parameters of normal.
So this afternoon ‘the call’ arrived again and yes dad had the joy of receiving baby, in less then 30 minutes after mama’s first surge. Upon arrival I asked dad for his new business cards so that I could begin making referrals.
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you family for this opportunity and growth in possibilities.