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Dear loving family

Today I was so honored to sit with you as together you created a sacred family story. Silent witness, as all members of your beautiful family contributed to the arrival of your sweet baby.

Mama your walk with labor was so an expression of you, gentle, quite, loving and peaceful. Trusting and knowing your body so well, able to clearly feel your babys spiral dance down. The beautiful loving spirit you are so graciously offering and opening your body as portal to your baby, in every way that needed to for passage to unfold. I honor you dear, sweet woman.

Papa, full of kindness and sacred love for his beloved family. Knowing your dear one so deeply that you can move, respond and support before words are ever expressed. Your hands were the first earthy touch baby experienced. You received baby into the world, welcoming him with your strong, tender embrace. Babies body responded with expressions of safety, trust and relaxed peace.

Sisters your support and love for your mama was breathtaking. You now know her in a more awe-inspiring way, know more fully her amazing capacity for love and strength. She also saw your enormous capacities expressed, she saw, in a new way, your strengths and love for your family, your willingness to give and express loving sacrifice.

Dear sister of the heart to mama, so special to witness this aura emitted from both of you when you gaze toward each other, embrace and whisper secret support that comes from decades of a sacred bond.

Mama and Papa to mama, you held space, responded so graciously to the needs of all those around. Leaders of your family, keepers of the stories and legacies, thank-you for sharing of your selves and this dear family.

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