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Brenda's Story


My passion for midwifery begins before my memory does. I have always been drawn to the experiences of birthing women and have been observing, listening and learning about this sacred mystery my whole life. I’ve worked as a Traditional, Holistic, apprenticeship trained midwife since 2002. Most Traditional Midwives are “community created”. Meaning – others recognize/see a gift in our ability to attend women at birth, hence we are asked to participate in births. In other words –“The gift makes way for you.” We do the clinical, medical protocol most are familiar with and develop deep relationships with the families we serve, creating expanded understanding intimacy and trust.

​As a community created midwife I have provided home-based maternity care since 2002. I have been blessed to be a part of hundreds of births since 1985.  The first homebirth I attended was in 1995.

​My more direct education and experience began when I was both an expectant mama and student of maternity care, with the birth of my children, during my R.N. education in the 1980s.  My own pregnancies and birth experiences offered invaluable lessons for me.  Crossing that threshold at birth completely changed my life, reality and world in ways that are beyond words, and the heart understands completely.  This is the transformation gift that birth offers every woman.

​​As a nurse I worked in the fields of Labor & Delivery, Neonatal ICU, Adult ICU and Psychiatry.  For 17 years, as nurse, a doula, and then an apprentice midwife, I had the great honor of supporting many women, and their loved ones, as they gave birth and grew their families.  At that time confidence and trust in a woman's own innate birthing wisdom and power grew and solidified.

​I originally became an RN with the intention of becoming a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM).  It became clear to me as I worked within the medical system that my own philosophical beliefs regarding pregnancy, birth and those early months after baby arrives, were aligned strongly with supporting women in broader informed choices and options then I was experiencing in the medical setting.  After some deep reflection and consideration I followed my philosophical beliefs and began to study traditional midwifery.

​In the late 1990s, I began an apprenticeship with a homebirth midwife.  During this time I expanded my midwifery knowledge and skills. After completing my apprenticeship, I opened my practice in 2002. During this time I continued to develop my own deepening practice of midwifery.  I learned to incorporate the healing properties of a woman’s own beliefs and strengths, nutritional supports, herbs and homeopathic remedies into my practice. This amazing and unique window of time in a family’s life continues to fuel my passions.  I returned to graduate school and in 2007, received a MSW, with a focus on the childbearing women, infants and families, and providing support and counseling for those amazing transitions.

​Birth, the world over, continues to call.  I have a deep desire to study and learn birth wisdom from many cultures.  This call has taken me to Eastern Africa where I have studied with a diverse array of midwives.   To help facilitate serving as a midwife in other countries I have become a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM).  This process involved submitting a portfolio of my midwifery work and completing competency-based skills and knowledge exams.

​I continue to carry this growing fascination for birth, the spark that has been there since my own childhood, and frequently attend lectures, training, workshops and conferences; learning and deepening my own abilities to serve.

​Currently, I have my own practice and often am in practice with other midwives.  I also provide labor support (Monitrice) for planned hospital births and care for women occasionally, in tandem with a physician. That would mean those who want to labor as long as possible at home but give birth in hospital.

​Beyond all this, I have learned my most valuable lessons from the mothers that I have the honor of serving.  I thank them all for this amazing gift.

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